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NEW From Donald Montano
Blood in the Desert Sand
From the day the Denby brothers set out to avenge the brutal killing of their parents, the three men were about to ride into history. For a full year they tracked the band of renegades down, and when they watched the last of them die in the choking dust and relentless heat of the desert, Gage and his younger brothers, Orrin and Will had become a legend of the plains across the Southwest Territory.
In Arizona, on the banks of the Gila River, the town of Harmony was cowering in fear, praying The Three Horsemen could rescue an Indian Princess from the hated Bledsoe Gang. They had taken her as their lone captive while they tried to elude those hunting them for murdering some of her people and rustling their herd of wild ponies. <<READ MORE>>

Drink Deep From The Well Of Good Intentions
BOOK ONE of the Return to Charleston Series
John Sampson, the mysterious stranger who survived the Civil War and is searching for his soul after four years of fighting had taken it away. Hannah Marco, the older woman who draws Sampson into a deadly plot with a bold promise of complete surrender. Arley Ruttlinger, the young spitfire who wants Hannah out of her life because of a past love affair with her father she believes caused her mother’s death.

The Dangerous Journey Home
BOOK TWO of the Return to Charleston Series
Serena, a young black mistress, has been caught trying to escape from her master, and the couple helping her along the Underground Railroad has been murdered. The two Pinkerton detectives following her have turned up dead also.
“That goddamn war didn’t solve a thing, Arley. I couldn’t see an end to the killing of blacks and whites alike.” With those words, Sampson pulled Arley close. “That’s why I had to leave. Heading West and finding you was the only good thing to come out of all the death and destruction.” <<READ MORE>>

Beware the Devil Wind
BOOK THREE of the Return to Charleston Series
The journey continues as the three travelers have arrived into Charleston! A desperate note comes from Armondo Whyle asking Sampson, Arley, and Joshua to come and take his daughter away from their plantation that would soon be visited by a band of hated Redshirts intent on subjecting Deanna to a horrible fate because she had resisted the advances of their leader.
In the gunfight that follows, six Redshirts are killed and the four still alive are put in leg irons and sent home. With the first battle won, Joshua begins to train the black field hands who once were slaves how to fight back. <<READ MORE>>
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